How To Design Click-Worthy Pins For Pinterest

How To Design Pinterest Pins

Want to learn how to create beautiful, branded pin designs that actually get clicked on? Here are my top 12 tips to get you started on your pin design journey!

My first tip is to use Canva for designing your Pinterest templates (or any other easy-to-use design program). You get access to free fonts, colors, images and it’s as easy as simply clicking and dragging items - literally anyone can use it. Create some templates that you can simply repurpose for each piece of new content. This way, you won’t need new designs every week.

Get Some Inspiration

Spend some time on Pinterest and look for which designs grab your attention. I know you’re smart enough not to copy someone else’s designs😉However, I still look through my general Pinterest feed weekly to see which designs catch my eye. Analyzing what about these particular designs capture your attention goes a long way to replicating good design practices. Practicing with these ideas also helps you develop your unique design style!

Fonts & Branding

Next, you’ll want to get a hold on your branding. Which colors, fonts and images represent your business the best? Use these! Make your fonts large and clear. Remember your pins will be small on mobile and 80% of users access Pinterest through the app. My next tip is to stick to 3 fonts. I like combining a bold print with a script and a smaller print for sub-text and the business name.


When choosing images for your pins you’ll want to keep them bright, light and modern. In a world of perfect Instagram grids and gorgeous imagery, you can’t afford to use outdated free stock images. I’ve even started purchasing mock up images to create my own flat lays. I love purchasing branded bundles and mock ups from Creative Market. Other great places to source stock imagery are membership sites like Haute Stock, Styled Stock Society and Her Creatives Studio.

General Design Tips

Keep it simply, silly! I often step back from my laptop and ask myself “how can I simplify this?” when working on a design. You can also make use of arrows, icons and faded color boxes behind your text to entice pinners to click, or make things easier to read.

Take note of which of your designs or pins are performing and try to replicate the same principals for future pins. I don’t think we analyze our strategy and what is performing enough! Pin design titles that feature “how to’s” and numbered steps are incredibly clickable. Try to incorporate some of the titles onto your pins!

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …