The Ultimate Guide To Idea Pins On Pinterest

The Ultimate Guide to Idea Pins on Pinterest

Wondering how to leverage the power of idea pins on Pinterest? With all platforms moving towards incorporating short-form content styles, Pinterest has opted to use idea pins as their version. These are one of the easiest way to grow your profile at the moment and should be one of your main focuses for your Pinterest Marketing strategy this year.

Here’s what you need to know:

Share Ideas

Pinterest has labeled this new pins style an ‘idea pin’ meaning they want you to treat it as exactly that - a place to share new ideas. Whether you are sharing upcoming summer fashion trend ideas, design tips for using Canva or a delicious new recipe; these ideas should serve your audience with value and deliver on solving their problems or answering a question. This is what Pinterest is used for!

Repurposing Content

While repurposing short-form content across all platforms in often encouraged, I’d be mindful about what you choose to post on Pinterest. If your TikTok videos or Instagram Reels are sharing valuable tips, tricks and ideas (or showcasing your products) then go ahead. However, entertainment and viral trends often fall flat on Pinterest. Planning ahead to create video content that serves across all platforms and aligns with your Pinterest Marketing goals is key. Plan and plan some more. 

Repurposing blog content often works well as you don’t have to think up a brand new idea and it often serves the concept of an idea well.

Make Use Of Multiple Slides

Idea Pins incorporate multiple slides like you might find in an Instagram story. It’s important to note that often when we simply use just one video (and only make use of one slide) we’re loosing valuable engagement boosting capabilities. Pinterest wants users to click through multiple slides and engage with your content as long as possible, so having just the one isn’t doing you any favors. Add a call-to-action slide after your video to give it an extra boost like this one.

Video First

Adding video or animated elements to your first slide dramatically improves your chances of getting clicked on. In a mostly static image dominated Pinterest feed, video stands out. Your attention is naturally going to go to the moving elements of a pin over a still image that blends in with everything else. That’s because they auto play while users scroll. If you don’t have access to video content of yourself or products, simply animate your images or text when designing in Canva.

Tag Your Products and Affiliate Income

Pinterest is seriously focusing on the shopping features within the platform which is great news for product sellers. Using shopping tags, adding your catalogue and becoming a verified merchant as an Ecommerce shop has sales boosting capabilities unlike any other platform I’ve seen. So of course you’d want to take advantage of the benefits! Tag your products (even affiliate links) on your idea pins and watch those sales skyrocket.

Pinterest Text

Using the mobile app to create your idea pin means you work with the algorithm and the in-app features. One of my favorites is using Pinterest text to write your idea pin titles (or any of the copy within your slides) as Pinterest reads this and is properly able to categorize the keywords. Your titles should be keyword-focused just like everything else on Pinterest. I usually put elements together in a Canva design but leave space or color blocks for inserting text when working within the app. 

Use The Mobile App

While you are able to schedule your idea pins on web, I highly recommend using the mobile app when it comes to creating or posting idea pins. Many features are only available within the app and often when we try to resize text it doesn’t look as great on web. Over 80% of Pinterest users are using the platform on mobile so prioritizing that experience is best taken care of when you create using mobile too.


We know that Pinterest is a visual search engine and just like Google keywords are king. This means doing your keyword research before creating idea pins and aligning them with best marketing practices makes for a winning strategy. Keywords should be placed within idea pin text (on the graphic or video); in the idea pin title and in the idea pin description.

While all of these strategy techniques are great ways to boost your Pinterest marketing results, remember that creating valuable content is the easiest way to to get the website traffic and conversions you’re looking for. 

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …