Pinterest Marketing Strategies That Are Wasting Your Time

Pinterest Marketing Strategies That Are Wasting Your Time

Do you find yourself spending a lot of time researching Pinterest marketing strategies, testing out new things and trying to figure out how to get the best results for your time?

No one wants to be wasting time and effort on strategies that aren’t going to get you a return on your investment. We live in a world where we as business owners have a never-ending to-do list. Let’s get these three Pinterest marketing strategy tasks off your plate so you can focus on what actually matters on this powerhouse of a platform.

Pinterest Board Covers

You may have had a look at some other Pinterest profiles and seen branded board covers complete with text overlay and all the works. While it looks aesthetically pleasing, there is a far simpler way to still achieve an on-brand and beautiful Pinterest profile!

These honestly take a long time to make - time that could be making actual pins instead. You’ll also need to upload them and go through the process of setting them as board covers. When you create a new board (which should be happening fairly regularly) you’ll need to complete it each and every time. This tedious process doesn’t even get you any points towards your marketing strategy and has absolutely zero impact on your results.

A far simpler solution is to search and pin images from Pinterest itself to use as a board cover. I recommend choosing images only (ones without text) for the best look. Have a board about online marketing? Look for an on-brand workspace or laptop flat lay. Have a self care routines board? Search for some bath aesthetic images. It will still look beautiful without the extra time wasting.

Joining Pinterest Group Boards

Group boards were once part of an essential Pinterest marketing strategy. They were originally intended to be a way for Pinterest users to collaborate and share ideas but it quickly got out of hand. With thousands of contributors joining a single board in hopes of reaching larger audiences, Pinterest quickly realized how easy it was for a group board to spam the followers with an overload of content.

Pinterest has since placed an importance on high-quality group boards that are smaller and more niched. It can actually be detrimental for you to join and contribute to a group board that is too large or has content and keywords unrelated to your profile. While there are still high-performing group boards out there, it is nearly impossible to join them as they are at their full capacity and not taking new contributors.

If you have been working on your Pinterest marketing for years, and are collaborators on group boards that perform well, then by all means continue using them. If you’re new to using Pinterest for your business I’d say it’s best to focus your attention elsewhere and leave the group boards be.

Pinning 30x or more daily

A tried-and-true mantra for your Pinterest marketing approach should be quality over quantity. Every single time.

A popular marketing strategy a few years back was to pin a lot of content daily which included many repins of other people’s content. Pinterest has really emphasized the important of consistent new content. This means a fresh link on your website, a new pin images and description. Unless you’re a blogger who has multiple posts weekly, keeping up with a 30 day pinning schedule is tough. The emphasis should be on your own content with a few repins to supplement where needed.

Pinning 10-15 times a day (or even less) is completely aligned with achieving great results.

Is there anything else you’ve been focusing on in your Pinterest marketing strategy that you’re wondering about? Let me know in the comments!

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …