My Mindset Routine For Success

A Mindset Routine for a Successful Business and a Successful Life

When I get asked how I was able to quickly scale my Pinterest Management business and find a dream client within a month of beginning Haskin Creatives, I can’t help but attribute it all to my daily mindset work. 

To be honest, my morning mindset routine has been lacking lately and I definitely see it reflecting in my business. It’s kind of like a faucet - my mindset work turns the flow of clients, abundance and money on and when I neglect it the flow stops. Want to commit to making a mindset practice a focus in your life again with me?

In this highly requested post, I’m sharing all the ins and outs for my mindset routine and how it’s helped me create a successful business. This can obviously be applied to life goals or desires outside of business, too.

I’ll be implementing these exact processes over the next few weeks - feel free to join in and let me know how it goes! 

Out With The Old

In December of last year, I invested in Kathrin’s Epically Aligned Bootcamp. One of the key teachings that still resonates with me today is the importance of forgiveness, of letting go and clearing out with the old to make space for the new. 

I had never really thought I needed forgiveness in my life because I wasn’t one to hold grudges or get into even minor arguments. Yet, there were definitely past experiences and past “versions” of myself that needed some saying goodbye to. 

She taught version of a traditional Hawaiian ceremony called Ho’oponopono and I was deeply moved by incorporating it into my daily practice - yes, I practice it daily! 

You can read up on this particular practice or begin your own for letting go and forgiving your past experiences to make space for all the good that is to come. 

Get Into The Flow

By now we’ve all heard of the benefits of meditation and while I haven’t really advanced past the 5 minute mark yet, it definitely sets the tone for the rest of my mindset routine. 

Sitting in silence (or listening to a guided meditation) gets you into a state of what I like to call “flow”. It’s a feeling of content, almost happiness, that allows you to match your energy to what you desire. 

Yes, this is all a bit woo-woo. Yes, you can practice this at first without believing it or having to understand it. Simply practicing it is enough. Other ways you might get into flow include exercising, practicing yoga, dancing or listening to music - anything that makes you feel good.

Give Thanks

Another keen attractor for more good is giving thanks and practicing gratitude for what you already have. Simply writing down or speaking aloud 5 things you are grateful for every day magnifies these successes in your life and creates more of what you’ve focused on. 

I even state things I’m grateful for that haven’t even happened yet🤭 It’s like I’m saying to the Universe, I know that this is going to happen 100% and I’m already grateful for it! 

Act Like You Have It

This was a major breakthrough moment for me. I had always written out desires the “right way” and had done lots of journaling and visualization. This blew it all out of the park for me.

Acting as if you have already achieved the success, become the highest version of yourself, means everything in your reality will shift around you to make that true. 

This means the way you act, the language you use, the choices and decisions you make, all need to come from the place that you’ve already achieved what you desire. 

A great example that Kathrin used, if you had a million dollar business you wouldn’t have any financial stress or worries. Someone who has reached that level simply doesn’t use the word “expensive” and so she eliminated it from her vocabulary (I’ve done the same since). Small changes like these make a big impact. 

I recognized a 10k earner wouldn’t be slaving away on unimportant tasks in her business when her skills were needed elsewhere and so I hired out a virtual assistant. These decisions and actions reaffirm to the universe, to myself, my identity. 

It’s important to note that while a 10k earner wouldn’t have a problem spending 10k on monthly expenses, you shouldn’t be doing this before you’ve actually reached and manifested this into existence😝 Don’t go into debt, peeps! 

Write it Down

Writing down my goals, affirmations and a storytelling version of what my life is going to look like helps me visualize it and attract it into existence. It’s important to always write in the present tense as if the statement is already true. An Example: I have an abundance of financial resources and money is constantly flowing my way.

What I journal about varies from day to day. You can find some great prompts on my favorite platform, Pinterest 😉

If you have any additional mindset practices you feel have helped you succeed and attract what you desire, I’d love to incorporate them. Drop them in the comments below.

Hello, I’m Megan!

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …