Pinterest Marketing Tips For Beginners

Simple Pinterest Marketing Tips

Pinterest Marketing is becoming more popular than ever for online business owners, Ecommerce shops and digital product sellers. It not only drives targeted-traffic to your website without having to warm up your audience, but Pinterest users are also more likely to make a purchase than any other social media platform.

If you want to drive mass website clicks, sales and email list sign-ups for your business (is that even a question?) and you’re not leveraging the power of Pinterest, now is the time to start!

As an expert Pinterest Manager, here’s exactly what I would do as a beginner to Pinterest Marketing.

Create a Business Account

Laying a good foundation for your Pinterest Marketing strategy starts with the basics: creating a business account; adding the Pinterest tag to your website to start tracking data and claiming your website.

Focus on Keywords

Pinterest is an SEO-focused visual search engine (think Google) and using the right keywords is how we are going to match your ideal audience with your content.

Think about what your audience will be searching for on Pinterest, what problems can you solve for them? If you’re a skincare-based company it’s likely your audience will be searching for moisturizers, serums and skincare routines. If you’re a health coach your audience will probably be interested in workout routines, meal prep recipes and healthy meals. 

Use the Pinterest search bar to dive into what users are actually searching for on the platform. It automatically populates with high SEO search terms, which is what you want to use throughout your profile. 

Incorporating these keywords throughout your profile will not only tell Pinterest what your content is about and who to show it to, but it’ll also build SEO on Google as well. I’m able to rank on various marketing related search terms on Google because of Pinterest, talk about a win-win.

Click-Worthy Pin Graphics

While keywords help you rank in searches and match you with your ideal audience, your pin designs are almost as important in grabbing attention and actually getting people to click. Why put so much effort into your keyword strategy when your graphics are going to make people keep scrolling? 

Pinterest is a visual search engine, the key word here being visual. Make sure you’re using top notch imagery that includes Pinterest best practices: readable text overlay, clean imagery, call-to-actions and attention grabbing color schemes. You want your pins to stand out while users are strolling through a sea of competition.

Idea Pins, Idea Pins, Idea Pins

I cannot emphasize the importance of creating idea pins enough. The algorithm is  focused on them and they generally get more impressions, engagement and drive overall account performance. Not making use of them isn’t doing you any favors. If you are an affiliate marketer or product seller you can tag your products within them. Pinterest wants to be known as a shopping platform so incorporating this into your strategy drives more sales.

Bonus: If you have Shopify store or are willing to go through the lengthy process of becoming a verified merchant where you integrate your website and products with your Pinterest account, I highly recommend doing so. You’ll almost automatically makes sales by simply having your catalogue on the platform because of how focused Pinterest is on sales at the moment. Do it!

Quality Over Quantity

You’ll read a lot of outdated Pinterest strategy recommendations online these days with everything from pinning multiple times daily to repinning other content to joining group boards. Pinterest has clearly stated that they are focused on *new* content: website links, graphics, imagery and ideas never pinned to Pinterest before. Think about if any of these strategies tie in with one of Pinterest’s main goals before testing it out. I’m all for testing out new ideas but start with the basics of creating quality content your audience will love, and you’ll be golden. 

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …