Why You Aren't Seeing Results on Pinterest

Pinterest Mistakes You're Making That Are Costing You Results | Haskin Creatives Pinterest Manager

Wondering how so many others rave about Pinterest and its massive traffic-driving capabilities when you’re not seeing results?

Tried all of the latest strategies, purchased all of the courses and ebooks but still aren’t getting the traffic or results you hoped for?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there actually isn’t a one-size-fits-all Pinterest strategy that is going to be the secret formula to solve all of your problems.

In fact, after managing many Pinterest accounts in a variety of niches and industries it is safe to say that every business will have a very different strategy when it comes to Pinterest.

Any ebook or course or Pinterest Strategist that tells you otherwise is probably trying to scam you or doesn’t actually know how Pinterest really works! Here’s the low-down:

  1. Some of my clients schedule 12 pins a day, another 25 a day and another 7 a day - there is no “magic number”.

  2. I’ve worked with over seven wedding photographers in the same nice and all of them had a completely different Pinterest strategy.

  3. Some clients perform best with vertical pins, other clients get the most click-throughs on their square Instagram images, some even get tip performing pins that are horizontal.

Notice a pattern?

There isn’t a magic formula. You need to TEST TEST TEST. Here’s my strategy that I work through with my clients for the first three months:

Start with a Base

I usually start my clients off with a variety of pin designs, experimenting with different titles and images and pinning 12 images per day through Tailwind. I clean up their boards and add keyword rich descriptions and begin applying to smaller sized group boards.

Experiment & Test

After a few weeks of collecting data and seeing how things perform, I’ll take the pinning up to 25 images a day. The reason I do this is because many of my bigger accounts who are getting over 40k click-throughs a month are pinning this amount of content (although they also have enough content every single week to sustain it).

I then take the pinning down to under 10 images a day to see how this strategy performs. I switch out different images, doubling down on the the types of pin images that perform the best and analyze everything.

Stick With What Works

I find there is so much talk about the do’s and don’ts on Pinterest when really no one really knows what they’re talking about. There has been trends of not having anyone’s faces in your pin images or only using bright colors (no black or white or neutral), getting rid of group boards completely or not pinning any square or horizontal images.

I’ve been around long enough to wait for the dust to settle as everyone scrambles to follow the latest trend that was thought up and rather test things out for myself. If something is working and driving traffic, I do more of that.

Why go through the trouble? Because Pinterest drives traffic and converts unlike any other platform I’ve seen. I’ve watched it quickly become the top performer for traffic and overtake other platforms in a matter of weeks.

It’s the real-deal and here for businesses ready to take their growth to the next level🔥

Hello, I’m Megan!

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …