How to Create a Pinterest Profile that Gets Noticed

How to Create a Pinterest Profile that gets Noticed | Haskin Creatives Pinterest Manager

Want to find out how to optimize your Pinterest profile so that it gets noticed? 

These are some of the common mistakes I see on Pinterest. Learn what you should be doing on Pinterest with these quick and easy tweaks to get your business or blog noticed. 

1. Your Profile Photo 

I've experimented with both logo's and people featured profile photo's and definitely have to say that a friendly face gets more attention. I've noticed that even when I follow other Pinterest accounts I'm more likely to follow one that features a person than a logo (unless it's a recognizable one that I know and trust already). 

2. Your Pinterest Name

Include your business name or if you have a blog you can have your name like this: Megan @ Korbay Delay as it gives it a more personal touch. You'll also want to include keywords related to your niche, or those which your ideal clients or readers are likely to search. I'm a Pinterest VA so my account reads like this: Haskin Creatives | Pinterest Marketing Expert, that way people searching for Pinterest Marketing are more likely to find me. 

Do you want more than the 30 character limit for a killer profile name? Read this tip to get up to 65 characters

3. About You Bio 

Here's my go-to Bio builder: who you are + what you do + who you do it for + enticing call to action. So often I don't see the call to action implemented and this is so important, you viewer wants to be led to where you need them to go without having to decide for themselves without any help. Here's a mock up editable bio for you to use:

I/We + help/create/product/produce/sell + businesses/moms/bloggers/creatives + what you actually do(with keywords related to your niche) + Get your free/Find your resource/Click here to read more/Find out more here + a link to wherever you want them to go. 

4. Board descriptions

Board descriptions allow your content and your profile to be found while people are searching on Pinterest. Pinterest is, after all, a visual search engine and the keywords you use in your board descriptions play a role in how you get noticed on Pinterest. I shy away from just slapping a whole bunch of keywords in the description and rather construct well thought out sentences that appeal to viewers, while still being keyword rich. Have a look at other high-performing accounts to get some board description inspiration! 

5. Fill your boards!

Honestly, you want to have at least 50 pins in each of your boards to get started. I know this seems like a lot but I've seen the best results once I hit this mark. You want the content you are pinning to be cohesive and related to the board topic - you should immediately be able to get a feel for what the board is about as soon as you look at it. When you open the board you should notice a theme, like my soft pastel branding board here: 

6. Tailwind Tribes

Using Tribes on Tailwind always attracts the biggest growth on Pinterest for me and are a serious game-changer when working with my clients too. Besides being able to schedule all of your pins in advance so that you're essentially pinning throughout the day 24/7 without actually having to be on Pinterest, you also get to join Tribes (these are free to join even if you're not using Tailwind for scheduling, how cool is that?).

Tribes are big groups of people who pin content related to a certain topic. Their purpose is solely to share content and pins for increased growth. You share other pins that relate to your niche, and in return others will share your pins so that you reach a larger audience. It's a win-win! And they definitely pack a power punch for growth on Pinterest. Join Tailwind here

Have any Pinterest related questions? Leave a comment below 

Hello, I’m Megan!

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …