How To Get More Website Clicks

How To Get More Website Clicks

You’ve started your business and created an amazing website, but you’re not seeing the website traffic you’d like. There are simple improvements to make to increase website clicks and bring more of your ideal clients to your site. 

Why Is My Website Not Getting Clicks?

You didn’t pay attention to SEO when setting up your website

Search engine optimization is the process of making your website more search-engine friendly. If this wasn’t a significant part of your website creation process, this could be behind your low traffic. 

Your website doesn’t provide a good user experience

Have you tested your load times and is your website optimized for mobile? Anything that could frustrate a visitor – including slow speed and broken links – can negatively impact your website clicks. 

You’re not promoting your website

You’ve got to actually put your website out there! How is your audience going to know about your website if you don’t promote it? Lack of organic marketing strategy could be the reason for low website traffic.

Does Website Traffic Increase Google Ranking? 

Yes, traffic can have a positive impact on your Google ranking. SEMRush noted that there was a, “...noticeable connection between direct visits and the page position on the search engine results page (SERP).” More website traffic signals to Google that a website has authority. 

However, there are other factors that need to be addressed to improve Google ranking, including: 

  • Mobile optimization

  • Website load time

  • Valuable content 

  • Backlinks 

  • Bounce rate 

How Can I Increase Traffic To My Website?

Here are seven ways to get more clicks to your website:

Fix Broken Links

Ensure that every link on your website works, and none come up with a 401 error or “this page isn’t working” message. Fixing or removing these links will provide a better user experience.

When going through your website, ensure that pages load within 2.5 seconds and are mobile friendly.

Start A Blog 

As stated above, one of the best ways to improve your website and thereby increase traffic is through valuable content – a blog is a fantastic resource for this! 

According to Word Stream, businesses that have a blog on their websites get 55% more visitors than businesses that don’t.

Neil Patel explains, “...write content people want to read, content that helps, and content that provides more than the competition. A great place to start is researching questions your customers have and creating content that provides the answers.”

You can further improve your website by adding inbound and outbound links to your blog posts (these are links to other pages on your website as well as links to other websites).  

Create A Pinterest Business Account 

Pinterest marketing is an effective way to increase website traffic.

Using website links, create pins to upload to Pinterest. When creating pins, it’s essential to pay attention to Pinterest SEO and do your keyword research. The platform works on keywords – ensure that your pins are aligned with what your ideal clients are typing into the Pinterest search bar. 

Find out more about Pinterest Management Services to skyrocket your website traffic!   

Send Newsletters

Email marketing is still alive and kicking! While many businesses have left newsletters behind in favor of social media marketing, Forbes points out that, “...newsletters are an important component of effective email marketing and branding. Ignoring them can restrict brands from growth…Newsletters are imperative in taking your brand marketing to the next level.”

Newsletters are an effective way to promote your business and launch products, especially if you want to market your business without social media

Your emails can include business updates and links to your latest blog posts, driving website traffic.

Do Keyword Research

Do you even know what your ideal clients are searching for? You’ve got to know the answer to this question in order to increase website clicks. 

Do your research through a program like SEMRush or Keysearch to figure out which search terms you need to pepper into your website content. 

When your site’s content is aligned with what your audience is looking for, you’ll increase your traffic.  

Share On Social Media

If social media is part of your business marketing strategy, ensure that you’re promoting your website on Instagram, Facebook, and/or TikTok. 

  • Put your URL in your profile

  • Add website links to your stories 

  • Promote new blog posts in your social media posts 

Participate In Forums

Online forums and business groups are great places to find out what questions people want answers to in your niche. 

You can participate in these forums by answering questions and also providing links to your blogs that address these topics. 

A slow-growing business and website can be frustrating! Remember, it can take time to get your business’ name out there. Have patience, and try the above tips including blogging, starting a Pinterest business account, revamping your website to be more SEO friendly, and email marketing to increase your website traffic.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …