What I Would Do If I Had To Start My Pinterest Marketing Business All Over Again

What I would do if I had to start my Pinterest Manager business all over again

After six years of being a Pinterest Manager, working on over 200 Pinterest accounts and making $30k a month - it’s safe to say I have a lot of experience in the industry! I’ve tried and tested so many business strategies over the years and have pretty much nailed down what works for me. Here’s exactly what I would do if I wanted to start a Pinterest Marketing business from scratch and become a Pinterest Manager, if I had to start all over again.

Get Clear On My Goals

Before I took this business idea any further I would make sure it was aligned with me and what I envisioned for my future life. Often times I tend to get really excited about ideas and don’t really think things through: what would it really be like working on Pinterest accounts every day, what would it entail? When we hear earning potentials of a certain industry it can often take away from the fact that you’re still actually going to have to put in daily work.

I’d also figure out what I wanted to earn initially and what taking on this new challenge was important to me. Both of these questions give you clear direction and keeps you on track when things are getting challenging. You’ll know what you’re working towards.

Start Learning Pinterest and Get Experience

Your very first task should be learning as much as you can about Pinterest Marketing (from free online content or a purchased course). I would personally work on an account as I’m learning so I implement and put everything into practice as I go along. When I first started out I built up and worked on a Pinterest account for my own business, as well as someone I knew who had a business I could market as a test run. This was super beneficial in building my confidence to eventually work with an actual client, helped me test out all of my onboarding processes and I also got a testimonial that would help me get future clients. 

I would definitely make this my first priority - I would even create a website or logo or create a social media content before doing this. We often distract ourselves with ‘all the things’ we need to learn, set up and put in place instead of actually doing the things that are going to move our business forward and make a real difference. The above can come later once you’ve started making money.

Focus On Getting Clients

There are many ways to get clients and I’ve tested them all extensively throughout the years. As a beginner (and something I still do to this day) I would cold email as a start which is basically reaching out to potential clients I want to work with via email. If this doesn’t feel aligned with you, that’s totally fine! A lot of people struggle with cold emailing because it makes them feel icky. I personally receive cold emails every day from other service providers that make me want to cringe, so I do things a little differently. 

First off, those who I cold email I genuinely want to work with and feel like I could help their business with Pinterest. Each email is personalised and completely truthful - I don’t send the same email template to everyone. I also do my research and make sure I know about their business before reaching out. The trick here is to get used to hearing no or not getting a response, you need to send A LOT of emails. But you will convert if you put in the work and time. This process has gotten me more clients than any social media marketing efforts for my business.

There are other routes to go with getting clients: social media marketing, Facebook Groups, networking events, etc. Just keep in mind this should be your number one focus in the beginning. I repeat: don’t get distracted by trying to create the perfect website or learn a new tool. 

Build The Business

Once I have a client or two and have started working on their accounts I would make sure I focused on serving those clients to the best of my ability - continue doing this no matter what stage of your business. This creates a big impact on getting future clients and many of my current clients were onboarded through referrals. You can also then decide what’s important to you from a business standpoint: things like having a website to give you credibility, social media accounts to reach a larger audience, etc. I think all of these things serve the business but aren’t important when getting started. I can’t emphasise this enough!

Want to learn all of my insight and experience in the industry? The Become a Pinterest Manager and Earn Within a Month course will teach you absolutely everything you need to know about becoming a Pinterest Manager and getting clients.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …