FAQs About Becoming a Pinterest Manager: What You Need To Know

FAQs About Becoming A Pinterest Manager

Are you thinking about how to become a Pinterest manager, but have no idea where to start? There are a few frequently asked questions that most people who want to become a freelance Pinterest manager ask. 

I’ve been running my own business as a Pinterest manager for over six years now! Over the years I’ve learned so much about starting a Pinterest business, getting clients, and how to earn money on Pinterest. 

My little business has grown so much – bringing in over $30,000 monthly! – so I know firsthand that having a successful Pinterest business is absolutely possible.

Now, let’s answer some of your burning questions! 

What Does A Pinterest Manager Do?

First things first, what is a Pinterest manager? Pinterest is a marketing platform that helps businesses bring their products and services to their ideal clients. Many of these businesses outsource their Pinterest marketing to Pinterest managers who help them promote on the platform. 

A Pinterest manager job description includes creating pins, writing keyword-rich descriptions, analyzing analytics, creating a Pinterest marketing strategy, as well as managing boards. 

How Do I Become A Pinterest Account Manager?

It’s important to develop Pinterest skills and to learn the platform thoroughly so that you can market your skills with confidence. A great way to get to know the platform is through creating and managing a Pinterest account for your new business. 

Once you’ve got the hang of things, you could offer your services to another business for free to build your confidence and get a testimonial. Showing results you’ve achieved and having feedback is an important part of getting clients. 

How Much Money Can You Make As A Pinterest Manager?

This depends on your Pinterest manager rates. It’s your own personal choice whether you want to charge hourly rate pricing or fixed price packages. This isn’t set in stone – you can always change down the line. Taking into account your business expenses (such as the Pinterest tools you need, your website, etc.), how much money you need to take home, and how many clients you are able to take on all impact your pricing decision. 

Do your research on other Pinterest manager and VA websites to get a pricing benchmark.

Beginner Pinterest VAs can charge anything between $300-$400 for Pinterest Monthly Management when starting out. So, you could easily make $2k with just five clients. Earning potential after that is limitless and depends on how much time you have available to put toward growing your business. 

Important To Note: One of the best things you can do to grow your business is to have long-term retainers. Find my guide on how to keep high-paying clients for years here.  

Are Pinterest Managers In Demand?

Yes! Let’s just take a look at the stats. 

According to Hootsuite:

  • Pinterest boasts 445 million monthly active users

  • There are more than five billion searches on the platform every month

  • Shopping engagement grew by 20% in 2021

  • Advertisers can reach more than 250 million people on Pinterest

Pinterest presents businesses with massive marketing opportunities, which means there are avenues for entrepreneurs to offer their services.

Can You Become A Pinterest Manager For Free?

While it’s completely possible to become a Pinterest manager or VA for free, it can take a lot more time than getting guidance from someone who has built their own Pinterest business already. There is so much advice and information online, that it can take a while to sift through all the noise!

I’ve put together a Pinterest manager course so that aspiring online business owners can get my tried-and-true blueprint to skyrocket their success as beginner Pinterest Managers. You’ll learn exactly how I created a successful Pinterest Marketing business. Start your journey here!

If you want to grow your very own business that allows you to create your own schedule and enjoy a freedom-based lifestyle, becoming a Pinterest account manager is an amazing choice!

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …