How To Use AI In Pinterest Marketing & 5 Ways To Use ChatGPT

How To Use AI In Pinterest Marketing

Artificial intelligence has become the hot buzzword across almost all sectors of business, including marketing. There are many ways entrepreneurs can utilize AI technology to enhance their marketing strategies. But, does this include Pinterest? Yes! AI can be incorporated into Pinterest management, but it’s easy to get lost in how simple these platforms are to use, which can be detrimental to your growth on the platform. 

How Is AI Used In Pinterest? 

Vanja Josifovski, the Chief Technology Officer at Pinterest, explained to Wired that Pinterest IS a data and AI company. 

The Pinterest team invests heavily in AI development to improve their platform and make it more user-friendly and problem-solving. 

Pinterest uses AI technology to provide the most personalized results possible when people are on the platform. 

“Features like surfacing recipe suggestions based on diet or suggesting home decor for a user’s specific taste are available because of deep learning (a subset of AI and machine learning that uses neural networks to mimic the brain to more quickly analyze data and train computer models),” explains Wired.  

The more personalized the results, the more likely pinners are going to pin and purchase. 

And, Pinterest is focused on making the platform more shopping-friendly. Pinners are able to explore new brands, get inspired, and make purchases on the app. 

“But [Pinterest CEO Bill] Ready says the company plans to be very deliberate about how it’s using AI, incorporating the technology in a way that’s additive to people’s lives, not addictive,” Insider Intelligence

So, when it comes to AI, it’s all about enhancing the user experience and solving problems for the pinner instead of encouraging people to be on a never-ending scroll. 

Is AI Art Allowed On Pinterest?

Yes, AI art is allowed on Pinterest. As the app is used for inspiration when you search for art references you will find AI artwork sprinkled among the results. 

However, it’s interesting to note that there is a ban on AI-related search terms. This means if you type in “AI”, “AI art”, or “artificial intelligence art”, Pinterest will not provide any results. This is also the case when you search “chatgpt” or “midjourney”. 

Sprinkle of AI suggests that this block could be due to AI content being marked as spam, legal concerns, and a concern around AI content being misleading. 

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t use AI in your Pinterest marketing strategy. 

How To Use AI For Pinterest

One AI tool that has taken the marketing world by storm is ChatGPT. It can be used for writing Pinterest content including:

Pinterest Pin Titles

You can ask ChatGPT to give you options for pin titles. In your prompt, you can add keywords for the tool to use in the title suggestions.

Text Overlay On Pin Designs

These are the words used on your pin designs. You can ask ChatGPT to provide options that will grab people’s attention. 

Pin Descriptions

ChatGPT can create descriptions for your pins. It’s important to include keywords in your ChatGPT prompt. 

Pinterest Boards

Your Pinterest boards are another opportunity to use keywords to improve your profile. 

Content Repurposing 

You can prompt ChatGPT to create pin descriptions from another piece of content such as a blog, Instagram caption, or LinkedIn post. 

Canva has a whole AI-powered section, so you can explore ways to use these AI features to design your pins faster. 

Important: Don’t just copy and paste! You can lose your unique brand personality when you only rely on AI. Edit the AI content to ensure it has enough keyword phrases and it’s written in your voice. 

Also, don’t use ChatGPT for keyword research. At the time of writing, ChatGPT’s knowledge is based on information up until January 2022. Even the tool recommends checking more recent sources for the latest updates! So, use more relevant sources for keyword research, such as the Pinterest search bar, Pinterest trends, or a keyword tool like KeySearch.

AI is a tool, it’s not just a way to phone in Pinterest management. You’ve still got to put in the effort to create pins that are aligned with the Pinterest algorithm to see results; only posting a bunch of generic content from ChatGPT isn’t going to get you there. 

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …