6 Reasons Why You’re Not Seeing Results On Pinterest

6 Reasons Why You’re Not Seeing Results On Pinterest

Not seeing the results you’d like on Pinterest? Using Pinterest for business is a fantastic way to upgrade your marketing strategy and get more website traffic. However, it’s not just about creating pins and hoping for the best. You’ve got to have a clear Pinterest strategy aligned with your goals. 

Here are six possible reasons why your Pinterest business account isn’t growing (and ways to fix it!): 

You’re Not Making The Most Of Pinterest SEO

Are you just taking the first few sentences of your blogs and pasting them into your pin descriptions? Or, are you not bothering with descriptions at all and just hoping the pin image or design will do all the heavy lifting? 

Pinterest is a search engine, therefore you’ve got to pay special attention to keywords. 

Keywords are how pinners are able to find your content on the platform. They type in a niche or search term into the search bar, and if your keywords match up, your pins are shown!

Do your Pinterest keyword research on Pinterest Trends and use the Pinterest search bar to find related terms to pepper into your pin descriptions.  

Do not try to hack the algorithm by placing high-ranking keywords or trends in your pin descriptions that are not associated with your content – this does not make for a great user experience so you won’t get the clicks you’re looking for. 

You Don’t Know What Your Audience Is Looking For

You may not be seeing growth because your content isn’t answering what your ideal audience is asking. Your pins have got to address a need in order to gain traction. 

What is your audience looking for? Inspiration for their next DIY project? Vegetarian dinner ideas? Bridal portrait poses? 

Pinners are not worried about why you started your business or your journey. So, instead of leading your audience to those pages on your website, focus on links that are aligned with their searches. 

You will gain more insight into what your ideal audience is looking for on Pinterest when you do your keyword research.  

You’re Not Consistent

You cannot expect positive results from any marketing platform if you’re not consistent.

Just posting when you remember isn’t going to cut it! 

To see your metrics improve, you’ve got to pin daily; ideally fresh content, not repinning other people’s content or always using old URLs that you’ve already posted on Pinterest. 

If you’re struggling to stay consistent on the platform because you either simply don’t have the time or you’d rather focus on other areas of your business, it may be time to outsource to a Pinterest manager

Repins Are Your Main Strategy 

A popular Pinterest marketing strategy a few years back was to pin a lot of content daily which included many repins of other people’s content. 

The Pinterest algorithm has changed, as it now prioritizes new content. So, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity. 

Fresh content is the name of the game if you want to be successful on Pinterest, which means regular new website links (or blogs). From these new links, you can create new pins with fresh designs and descriptions. 

Find my tips here on how to create a content calendar to improve your business marketing strategy this year.

You’re Not Looking At Your Metrics 

If you don’t review your Pinterest analytics regularly, you’re effectively just throwing pins at the wall hoping that something will stick.

To work smarter, not harder, it’s important to know which pins are resonating with your audience. You find this out by diving into your Pinterest analytics!

Under the Analytics dropdown on the left-hand side of your account, you’ll find the Overview section. This will tell you the number of times your pins were on screen, how many engagements your pins are getting, outbound clicks, your engaged audience compared to your total audience, and which pins are doing the best. 

When you know what’s working, you can refine your Pinterest strategy to have more of an impact.

Your Pin Designs Aren’t Eye-Catching

If you’ve been using just one type of pin design and your metrics aren’t improving, you may want to change things up and experiment with different designs

Tips To Make Your Designs More Clickable

  1. Keep designs simple! I often step back from my laptop and ask myself “How can I simplify this?” when working on a design. 

  2. Make use of arrows, icons, and faded colour boxes behind your text to entice pinners to click, or make things easier to read.

  3. Take note of which of your designs or pins are performing well and try to replicate the same principles in future pins. 

  4. ‘How To’ pins and pins with numbered steps are incredibly clickable. 

Don’t consider yourself a designer? No problem! You can find my Pinterest templates here

Even if you’re not seeing results, don’t give up on Pinterest! A few tweaks such as doing Pinterest keyword research, being consistent with your Pinterest strategy, analysing your metrics, and upgrading your pin designs can go a long way in growing your Pinterest business account and getting more traffic to your website. 

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …