7 Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Pinterest Business

7 Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Pinterest Business

So, you want to start your own business and become a Pinterest manager? Amazing! Running a Pinterest virtual assistant business can be the key to achieving the freedom-based lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of. 

As with any entrepreneurial venture, research and knowledge-building is essential. For Pinterest, this includes diving into what a Pinterest manager does, Pinterest marketing terms, and what is included in Pinterest business support. 

What’s The Difference Between Pinterest Business Vs. Personal? 

Personal Pinterest accounts are for consumers looking for inspiration and products, whereas a business account is for people who want to market their products or services through the platform. 

Yes, if you’re a business, you DO have to sign up for a business account. This will give you access to Pinterest Analytics, which will break down how your pins are doing. 

What Does A Pinterest Manager Do?

A Pinterest manager – a term often used interchangeably with Pinterest VA – is someone who provides Pinterest marketing services to businesses. 

As a Pinterest manager, you would:

Tip: After learning as much as you can about the above, put your knowledge to the test by creating your own Pinterest account for your business. Get into the hang of running an account so you’re more comfortable when you get your first clients

What Businesses Do Well On Pinterest? 

When you set up your business, you may want to get clear on what types of businesses you want to work with – your choice should overlap with what businesses thrive on the platform. 

Some of the most popular Pinterest categories include:

  • Beauty 

  • Home decor and architecture 

  • Food and recipes 

  • Fashion 

  • DIY and crafts 

  • Education 

  • Health and fitness 

  • Weddings

Pinterest 2024 Trends Forecast lists what the platform thinks will be huge during the year. They highlight eclectic clothing style, solo traveling, monthly milestone ideas, groovy wedding, Hawaiian sheet pan chicken, body skin care routine, and shadow boxing workout as some of the growing search terms. 

You also want to find clients you are active in the content creation process. A business website without a blog and stagnant social media accounts would be incredibly difficult to market on Pinterest. 

How Are Your Communication And Organizational Skills?

You can have amazing Pinterest skills, but your business can still fail if you struggle with communication and staying organized. 

Running a Pinterest management business involves working closely with clients to understand their goals, develop strategies, and communicate results. Therefore, you’ve got to be able to communicate effectively, stay organized, and manage multiple projects.

What’s The Difference Between Organic Pins And Pinterest Ads? 

Pinterest isn’t only about organic marketing – the platform has a flourishing advertising section. 

According to Pinterest Business, promoted pins, “...are regular Pins that you pay to be placed where people are most likely to see them. These Pins will surface in your desired audience's home feed, category feeds, and relevant search results.” 

This is only available in certain countries. 

As a Pinterest Manager, you don’t necessarily have to offer ads as part of your packages, but it’s still a good idea to have an understanding of it in case a client wants to learn more. 

What Are Your Goals?

‘Become a Pinterest manager’ is too broad of a goal. 

When you start a business, it’s vital to not only have one big goal but also mini milestones on the way to this big target. 

What steps do you need to take to begin offering Pinterest manager services and become a successful Pinterest marketing manager? This can include:

It’s also advisable to think about what your ideal lifestyle as an entrepreneur would look like and build this vision into the structure of your business. 

Do You Believe In Yourself? 

Starting an online business comes with many challenges. Your mindset, beliefs, and knowledge will be tested! This is why mindset work is vital. 

When I began my business, I journaled and repeated affirmations to reprogram my subconscious mind into believing I already was a successful business owner with dream clients.

If you believe you can, you’ll start acting in alignment and make it happen.

For aspiring Pinterest managers ready to fully commit to their new business, I offer a Pinterest virtual assistant course that dives deeper into how to become a Pinterest manager and earn money within a month! Start here.

Hello, I'm Megan! 

An introvert at heart, Pinterest is the perfect platform for me. Simply posting your content using the right marketing strategies gets you an abundance of website traffic? No engagement or ‘showing up’ needed?

Who wouldn’t want to use this powerhouse of a platform …